PUD 4: Perspective of Non-State Actors (Part 1)

An event by RDI UREF & Pecha Kucha Night Jogjakarta Vol. 28

In collaboration with Pecha Kucha Night Jogjakarta, RDI UREF conducted the fourth series of Pop Up Discussion (PUD), on Friday, September 25, 2020. PUD 4 uses the Pecha Kucha format, where each speaker presents 20 slides in exactly 6 minutes 40 seconds (20 seconds for each slide) to encourage a more free-flow presentation with more visual cues. PUD 4 features nine speakers: Kristi Ardiana (Indonesia for Refugees), Mahdi Rafei (Refugee, Refugee Learning Nest/RLN), Ali Reza Yawari (Refugee filmmaker), Roberto (Sandya Institute), Alia Swastika (art curator), Kayla Abigail Salim (illustrator), Dwiana Piarah (former volunteer), Mukhtar Aashury (Refugee, Skilled Migrants And Refugee Technicians/SMART), and Callistasia Wijaya (journalist). The fourth PUD was moderated by Dr. Nino Viartasiwi.

Kristi Ardiana highlights the role that Indonesia for Refugees play in conducting a check and balance procedure towards the performance of the government in delivering protection to the refugees.

Mahdi Rafei shares activities of Refugee Learning Nest (RLN), a community-based learning center for refugees and asylum seekers based in Bogor and established in March 2015 and emphasizes on RLN’s performance and achievements.

Ali Reza Yawari, a self-taught refugee filmmaker from Afghanistan describes his living experience in Indonesia since December 2014. He reflected on his interest to narrate a story or life experience through images or visuals and saw filmmaking as a way to express experiences of refugees.

Roberto, from Sandya Institute (SI), shares information and reflections on SI’s latest publications on refugees: “Explaining the Economic Potential of Indonesian Refugee’s Communities: A Survey of Labor and Livelihood Characteristic” and “Know Your Rights”.

Alia Swastika shares her experiences as a curator of art.for.refuge: ‘Berdiam/Bertandang’ (‘Silent/Visit’) in 2018, which exhibits collaborative works of artists and refugees at the National Gallery, Jakarta. She highlights that the exhibition is an important and interesting forum for advocacy as it allows an encounter with new audiences

Kayla Abigail Salim shares her experiences and reflections of participating in “Youth with Refugees Art Contest” competition organized by UNHCR. She is one of the five winners in the cartoon category. Kayla highlighted that refugee issues can be amplified in unique ways through artworks and hoped that artworks can be utilized as a tool to encourage individuals, especially young people, as well as organizations and governments to work together in helping refugees.

Dwiana Piarah shares her insights and reflections based on her two-year experience interacting with unaccompanied child refugees and refugees. She concluded that refugees are all unique, have various skills and talents that need to be developed. Her experience has taught her to be more empathetic and to learn many different sides of one’s life.

Mukhtar Aashury shares information and his experience in running refugee-led Skilled Migrant and Refugee Technicians (SMART) in Indonesia. SMART was established in January 2020, aiming to provide high quality online technical services and to encourage refugees to become financially independent.

Callistasia Wijaya shares her experiences of covering news on urban refugees in Jakarta. Reflecting on her experience, Callista argues that coverage and news related to refugees is a big responsibility for journalists. Journalists must be able to provide positive and accurate reports or information that can also educate the wider community.

During the breaks, we played a 3-minute trailer of “Waiting for Hope”, a short movie produced by Ali Reza, and the news coverage produced by Callistasia Wijaya on refugees in Jakarta.

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